Author: Nicholas Cobb

A keen Russophile Nicholas has headed the Westminster Russia Forum since January 2014. Nicholas is also Founder and Director of Cobb Energy Communications - a Russia / CIS and energy focused communications, public affairs and commodity consultancy based in the UK.

WRF in 2019 – A Year in Review By Our Moscow Director, Mr Anton Samoylenko

Dear friends! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! As an expert on Russian-British relations, I…

Wishing all our Supporters a Wonderful 2020 – С Новым годом!

On behalf of the WRF Board I would like to wish all our supporters, members,…

Russian New Year: Traditions and Celebrations

In Russia, the New Year is often grander and even more widely celebrated than Christmas,…

20 Years of Putin’s Russia (Bloomberg)

CONGRATS! Exactly 20 Years Ago Putin Came To Power; Russia Today Is Stronger Than Ever! (Rossiya 1)

Putin wünscht Merkel und Steinmeier ein gutes neues Jahr

Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin hat laut einer entsprechenden Kreml-Mitteilung ausländischen Staats- und Regierungschefs seine Neujahrswünsche…

End of Year Message from the WRF & Seasons Greetings!

Firstly on behalf of the Board of the Westminster Russia Forum, I would like extend…

The Red Army Choir Sings Christmas – Their Most Beautiful Christmas Songs

Wo ist Russland im Ranking der größten Volkswirtschaften?

Wo rangiert Russlands BIP im Ranking der größten Volkswirtschaften? Starke Wechselkursschwankungen verzerren internationale Vergleiche; auch…

Russia: Putin brushes off allegations of UK election meddling