Press release: UK sanctions Alexey Navalny’s poisoners

Press release: UK sanctions Alexey Navalny’s poisoners

The UK will enforce sanctions against 6 individuals and an entity responsible for the Novichok poisoning of Alexey Navalny.

Source: Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Previous articleИнтервью Министра иностранных дел Российской Федерации С.В.Лаврова радиостанциям «Sputnik», «Комсомольская правда» и «Говорит Москва», Москва, 14 октября 2020 года
Slava Jefremov is an entrepreneur, marketing & communications expert with a flair for technology. He is helping WRF to grow digitally by writing columns sharing his experience and promoting dialogue between businesses operating in UK and Russia.